Boiler Erection

Manufacturing of equipment and delivery to site only complete 65% of the project. The real skill of an organization are put to test during erection and commissioning of equipment at site. The performance of equipment are solely based on the quality and preciseness of their erection at site. Erection and commissioning is very systematic and sequential process, in professional term it is also called as “Project Management” which require continuous and joint efforts of professionals, engineers, workers, and all other member of the E & C team. There must be a good communication among all team members, project, design and other related departments to erect the equipment to the best of it. The sequence of E & C starts with the layout finalization, foundation marking and then complete erection and commissioning up to steam out of the boiler.

We have a team of experienced engineers, skilled welders and workers who put their best efforts to make your boiler installation one of the best installation in the area. Sun Boilers & Projects is ready to take any erection contract on job work or with material as per convenience of the client based anywhere in INDIA or outside the country.